Monday, May 9, 2016


           Hi guys! This semester has come to an end and to conclude my blog I wanted to go over a few things that we learned from the different branches of Physical Education. During this semester, we talked about branches like Sport Management, Physiology of Sports, Adapted Physical Education and Sports Pedagogy. There are many branches in Physical Education, we discussed a different branch every week during this semester to inform you people of the differences between Physical Education’s branches. All of these disciplines have their pros and cons and this blog has information that may help you if you are looking for one particular branch.
            Finally, I just wanted to say that you will have an amazing time if you are planning to study and create a career in any of these branches. If you love to help people and you want to be important in someone’s life, Physical Education is the area you want to work on. Also, if you are a sports fan and you would like to stay in contact with sports during your career this branches will provide that as well. Please contact me at my email for further information about any branch. Good luck! 

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Saturday, May 7, 2016

Sports Pedagogy

           Welcome back everyone! Today’s branch has a lot to do with all those physical educators that want to teach in schools, colleges and universities. This Physical Education branch is known as Sports Pedagogy. This discipline has the job of studying and designing curriculums, syllabuses, teaching methods, teacher capacitation, techniques of evaluation, administration, supervision and organization of events and activities of Physical Education. This academic field has the task to maintain a relation in between sport and education. Sports pedagogy is a highly concerned in teaching, learning and instruction in sports or other physical activities.
            In this branch, the specialists have to create the best environments for the students to learn. Is very important that the specialist in charge of a group of students understands that this branch is not about coaching a group of students. This field of Physical Education focus on every student; Sports Pedagogy works the same amount of time with talented students and with the less talented ones. For example, this branch doesn’t have the task of creating basketball team, but it has the task of creating activities and events in which every students gets the opportunity of learning the techniques of shooting a basketball. To conclude, this branch gives the educators the opportunity of being a big influence in a student’s life, and what an amazing feeling of knowing that you, as an educator, were important in a student’s physical development.

Here is a article with more information about Sports Pedagogy:
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Saturday, April 30, 2016

Sports Management

            Welcome back guys! Today, we will be talking about Sports Management. This is a discipline that manages the different administrative and organizational aspects of the competitive sport. Sports Management is a branch that is highly needed in college, amateur and professional sports. The sports managers are the ones that has the job of dealing with everything inside a team. For example, when they are going to trade a player they are the ones who make the decision. They must possess an amount of skills such as being a good leader, planner, organizer, communicator, problem solver, risk taker, etc.
            Sports Management is a branch that takes control of the inner aspects of a team. For example, a sports administration must make sure that all facilities of the team are in good conditions. This sports administrator also must be aware of the needs of the players and coaches so they can feel comfortable doing their job. There is a good sports administrator behind every good sports teams. In other words, a sports administration has a lot of effect on his team. Finally, this branch gives the opportunity of working in the world of sports without being an athlete. If you aren’t a good athlete but you are looking for a job that stays in close contact with sports, this might be a discipline you might want to consider.
            Here is a video with more imformation about this branch.

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Thursday, April 21, 2016

Adapted Physical Education

            Hi everyone! Today, we will be learning about another amazing branch of Physical Education. This branch is Adapted Physical Education, and it has a lot of importance in our society. This discipline studies the capacities and limitations of the people with physical disabilities or special needs. This branch helps encouraging students with disabilities to develop their physical activity. Sometimes, these students with special needs, tend to learn slower than regular students and that’s why this branch was created. Adapted Physical Education was created for different reasons, and one of them was to get a regular student and a special student to work together under the same physical education program.
            Adapted Physical Education was also created to design appropriate programs depending of the physical, emotional and mental potentiality of the student’s sector. The specialist of this discipline has a very demanded task when it comes to work with these particularly students. These students do not act, think or behave in the same way that regular students do. Adapted Physical Education’s teachers must learn how to work with these students, they must see things from a different perspective. They are many different cases of special students and a good teacher must have the ability to adapt him or herself to the situation. Finally, this branch is becoming very known around the world. There are a lot of work opportunities in this discipline. If you are looking for jobs opportunities, you should definitely take Adapted Physical Education as a possibility.
             Here I posted a video that shows how an Adapted Physical Education program works.

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Friday, April 15, 2016

Motor Learning

            Welcome back guys! Today, you will be learning more important things about Physical Education. Also, I will be emphasizing in another branch known as Motor Learning, a branch that deals with the motor skills of students, athletes and other physically active people. Motor Learning is a discipline that studies and analyses the factors that influence the learning and execution form the student or athlete’s motor skills. The person that specializes in this branch acts as a facilitator, and employs the different stages of growing and the human development for the systematic learning of motor and sports skills. This branch is very interesting and it plays an important role in the development of children, teens, adults, etc.

            Motor learning is meaningful for physical educators. They spend a lot of time planning and creating evaluation activities for their students. For example, an educator could create a plan to teach his students how to shoot a basketball and then create an activity for them to practice it. In this way, the educator can fix the students motor skills in case they are not using the right technics of shooting a basketball. This is a very fun and worthy branch because you constantly get the opportunity to teach and help someone become better than before. Finally, Motor Learning is a discipline that involves a lot of experience from the educator or trainer, which could set you, in case you wanted to be a trainer, to work for sports teams, sports programs, etc.

Here is an article with more information about Motor Learning:

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Saturday, April 9, 2016

Sports Psychology

Hi guys! Today, we will discuss a branch in the interest of those people that like to study the mental processes of humans and animals. Sports psychology is a very interesting branch and, at times, it can play a big role in the life of athletes. This branch uses principles, concepts, elements and factors from the field of psychology to study an individual behavior in competitive sports. Also, this discipline or branch of psychology study and analyzes the factors that might affect the learning process and athletic performance of the participants. This is a discipline that is highly need it in professional teams to help players with mental problems.
This branch offers big opportunities for all those people that would like to meet, work and create a friendship relation with athletes. This branch can offer a lot of things and more because it can open even more opportunities if you become really good at it. For example, a basketball player that has always been a good shooter might go through psychological problems if he starts missing his jump shots. In this case, if you, as an expert of sports psychology, help this basketball player gain his jump shot back he will tell other athletes and you will be highly recommended by him. Finally, if you like to spend time working with athletes, this is the branch related to Physical Education that you are looking for. 
             Here is a video with more information about sports psychology. I hope you guys enjoy it.

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Sunday, April 3, 2016

Philosophy of Sports

            Welcome back guys! Today I will be introducing to you another of many related branches that Physical Education has. Today’s branch is Philosophy of Sports. This branch studies, analyzes, and establishes some criteria for the solution of problems and for the decision making through the use of logic and critical judgment. Also, Philosophy of Sports can examine controversial topics, believes and values related to sports participation and the Physical Education. This branch is very important for sports; without it we would not be able to answers questions that are often ask while we play sport or do physical activities.
            Philosophy of Sports is historically divided in 5 sub-disciplines. Those sub-disciplines are: Metaphysics, Epistemology, Aesthetics, Ethics and Logic. All sports philosophers use these 5 branches to resolve problems. For example, a basketball player could overturn a call from the referee if he gets a personal foul by an opponent but he insists that he did not get fouled off. In this example we can see how this player ethics are. This is just an example, now think of all the other range of issues or problems that can be related to the Philosophy of Sports. This branch definitely helps sports and other activities from another point of view. A point of view that no one sees or maybe do not care about. Philosophy of Sports is a branch that has a lot to offer and we need to look more into this discipline to benefit ourselves from it and use it to help others at the same time.
            Here I left to you guys a video that contains a comparation of bad and good sports ethics.

Picture was taken from this website:

Thursday, March 24, 2016

Physiology of Exercise

           Hi guys! Today’s branch of Physical Education will be physiology of exercise. This is a branch with, of course, different purposes and missions than the branches we have discussed here before. Physiology of exercise is a discipline that studies the impact that exercises and physical condition have in the human body. This discipline keeps relation with the aerobic capacity, the fatigue and the physiology effects that different exercise programs might have in the participant. It is extremely important to know about this branch when it comes to exercise our bodies. Why is that? Simple, if we don’t know anything about this branch we could hurt our bodies while exercising. We need to know the body capacities of working out. This branch can create an active and healthy life; we definitely need it in our lives.
            Exercise physiology is a branch that could engaged other branches to work towards the same goals. For example, it could work with other branches to create the best environment for the athletes when it comes to exercise and to do it under safely and healthy conditions. An exercise physiologist could bring a lot of benefits to any sports team or single athlete. They provide scientific support at many levels and different sports. Their job might involve monitoring their athletes training through the measurement and assessment of such physical functions as: respiration, metabolism, body composition, muscle, nutrition, and the nervous, pulmonary and cardiovascular systems. This is a very interesting branch, and if you like help other to successful this might be the perfect branch for you.
           Below is a video that gives an example of how is the job of a exercise physiologist. 

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Saturday, March 19, 2016

Sport Medicine

            Welcome back guys! Today’s topic will be about sport medicine and its meaning as a Physical Education’s branch. Sport medicine is a branch of Physical Education that studies and establish a medical relation between physical activity and the human body. This discipline makes scientific studies of the factors that influence the performance in sports. This branch focus on people or athletes to improve their performance, to recover from injuries and to prevent future injuries. Sport medicine professionals are well known for working with professional teams in many sports but they also can work with any person that do sports just for fun.
            There many careers in the field of sport medicine, including: Athletic trainer, Medical doctor, Kinesiotherapist, Nursing, Exercise physiologist, Physical therapy, etc. Sport medicine is a rich branch when it comes to expertise and knowledge. Its professionals have to be very educated and experienced to do a great job while working with athletes or any other person. This branch is very needed around the world but it is also very competitive. If any of you guys are considering this branch, you might want to remember that you will need to be well educated to become a professional and to compete against others for jobs in society.
            Here is a video in which James Voos, the Head Team Physician for The Cleveland Browns, explains what is it like to be a sport medicine profesional:
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Sunday, March 6, 2016

Sports Sociology

            Hi guys! Today, I am going to be writing a little bit about sport sociology and I hope you guys enjoy this physical education’s branch. This discipline, also referred as sociology of sports, studies the function that sports have in the society we live in. Sport sociology have the purpose of studying the influences that sports can have at institutions like the churches, the schools, the commerce, the government and the media. This discipline emerged as a product of needs to practice physical activities in our society. It might not see important but this branch plays an essential role in the development of our community.
            There have been important studies within sport sociology. For example, gender is one of the most recognize topics in the sociology of sports. It is known for the gender inequality and the role that gender has played through the history of sports. If we go back in time, we can remember how women participation in sports was prohibited. They weren’t allowed to participate because sports were considered too masculine for them. Sport sociology is a branch of physical education that helped women to be seen equal as men in our community. This branch is one of the causes of why women are allowed to practice any other sport that men practice in the last decades. Another important area studied under sports of sociology is the media. Sports are watched all over the world on television. They have the ability to unite us and to create big impact to make us become a better society through them.
             This is a 3 minutes long preview of a documentary that talks about society through sports. I hope you guys find some interest on it.

Picture and video sources:



Friday, February 26, 2016


            Hello everyone! Welcome to my blog. My name is Carlos Lopez and I am from Cayey, Puerto Rico. I am 21 years old and I am currently studying at University of Puerto Rico at Cayey to become a teacher of Physical Education. You will love this blog if you are interested in Physical Education, and if you aren’t, then I will get you involve because this is something you don’t want to miss out.
            During this semester, I am going to be writing about all the different branches we might find into Physical Education and other information as well. You guys will find any kind of information related to Physical Education in here. I am going to be talking about branches like Sport Medicine, Sociology of Sports, Learning Engine, Sports Management, Adapted Physical Education, among others. One of the reason of why I am writing this blog is because I want to inform to you guys the big opportunities that Physical Education might offer. There is more in Physical Education than just sports. Please subscribe to my blog and follow me if you want to stay inform of all the great things I will be writing about this semester.

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