Thursday, March 24, 2016

Physiology of Exercise

           Hi guys! Today’s branch of Physical Education will be physiology of exercise. This is a branch with, of course, different purposes and missions than the branches we have discussed here before. Physiology of exercise is a discipline that studies the impact that exercises and physical condition have in the human body. This discipline keeps relation with the aerobic capacity, the fatigue and the physiology effects that different exercise programs might have in the participant. It is extremely important to know about this branch when it comes to exercise our bodies. Why is that? Simple, if we don’t know anything about this branch we could hurt our bodies while exercising. We need to know the body capacities of working out. This branch can create an active and healthy life; we definitely need it in our lives.
            Exercise physiology is a branch that could engaged other branches to work towards the same goals. For example, it could work with other branches to create the best environment for the athletes when it comes to exercise and to do it under safely and healthy conditions. An exercise physiologist could bring a lot of benefits to any sports team or single athlete. They provide scientific support at many levels and different sports. Their job might involve monitoring their athletes training through the measurement and assessment of such physical functions as: respiration, metabolism, body composition, muscle, nutrition, and the nervous, pulmonary and cardiovascular systems. This is a very interesting branch, and if you like help other to successful this might be the perfect branch for you.
           Below is a video that gives an example of how is the job of a exercise physiologist. 

Picture was taken at: 

Saturday, March 19, 2016

Sport Medicine

            Welcome back guys! Today’s topic will be about sport medicine and its meaning as a Physical Education’s branch. Sport medicine is a branch of Physical Education that studies and establish a medical relation between physical activity and the human body. This discipline makes scientific studies of the factors that influence the performance in sports. This branch focus on people or athletes to improve their performance, to recover from injuries and to prevent future injuries. Sport medicine professionals are well known for working with professional teams in many sports but they also can work with any person that do sports just for fun.
            There many careers in the field of sport medicine, including: Athletic trainer, Medical doctor, Kinesiotherapist, Nursing, Exercise physiologist, Physical therapy, etc. Sport medicine is a rich branch when it comes to expertise and knowledge. Its professionals have to be very educated and experienced to do a great job while working with athletes or any other person. This branch is very needed around the world but it is also very competitive. If any of you guys are considering this branch, you might want to remember that you will need to be well educated to become a professional and to compete against others for jobs in society.
            Here is a video in which James Voos, the Head Team Physician for The Cleveland Browns, explains what is it like to be a sport medicine profesional:
Picture was taken from:

Sunday, March 6, 2016

Sports Sociology

            Hi guys! Today, I am going to be writing a little bit about sport sociology and I hope you guys enjoy this physical education’s branch. This discipline, also referred as sociology of sports, studies the function that sports have in the society we live in. Sport sociology have the purpose of studying the influences that sports can have at institutions like the churches, the schools, the commerce, the government and the media. This discipline emerged as a product of needs to practice physical activities in our society. It might not see important but this branch plays an essential role in the development of our community.
            There have been important studies within sport sociology. For example, gender is one of the most recognize topics in the sociology of sports. It is known for the gender inequality and the role that gender has played through the history of sports. If we go back in time, we can remember how women participation in sports was prohibited. They weren’t allowed to participate because sports were considered too masculine for them. Sport sociology is a branch of physical education that helped women to be seen equal as men in our community. This branch is one of the causes of why women are allowed to practice any other sport that men practice in the last decades. Another important area studied under sports of sociology is the media. Sports are watched all over the world on television. They have the ability to unite us and to create big impact to make us become a better society through them.
             This is a 3 minutes long preview of a documentary that talks about society through sports. I hope you guys find some interest on it.

Picture and video sources: